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Adventures Beyond Barriers Foundation
Promoting inclusion through Adventure Sports

This is the belief that drives Divyanshu who is happiest when he gets to witness change and transformation by enabling others to do what he loves - scaling mountains, flying, scuba diving and tandem cycling. Sport has the power to change the world, it has the power to inspire, and it has the power to unite like nothing else does. He founded Adventures Beyond Barriers Foundation, a non-profit that promotes inclusivity through adventure sports for people with and without disability. The main objective is to create opportunities for Persons with Disability to experience adventure sports, build confidence and self esteem. It is also to unite these two communities of people with and without disability, play together and build friendships and through this bring about a lasting social change. Whether in the boardroom or on a mountain, Divyanshu strives relentlessly to make the world a more sensitive, empathetic, empowered space, filled with individuals who are willing to do more and be more.